Dec 13, 2023A Guide to Accessibility PanelsRead more about the benefits of having an Accessibility Panel (Click here)
Dec 7, 2023Bus Stop Bypasses (Petition)A petition was delivered to Number 10 Downing Street opposing the rollout of bus stop bypasses (Click here)
Nov 29, 2023The Politics of Parking (Summary Report)The survey summary report can be found in full in this article (Click here)
Nov 22, 2023Q&A With The Harrow LFB (London Fire Brigade)Find out about the meeting between HAD staff/trustees & the Harrow LFB (London Fire Brigade) (Click here)
Sep 26, 2023Government Consultation - Fire SafetyRead HADs response to the "Draft Fire Safety in Purpose Built Blocks of Flats" (Click here)
Sep 26, 2023Disabled Peoples ManifestoDPO Forum England. The collective voice of Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations in England. (Click here)
Mar 9, 2023The Red Brick CaféThe Red Brick Café offers healthy food to the public at an affordable price. (Click here)
Feb 16, 2023Changes Nightclub (The Story So Far)Changes is Harrow's first integrated nightclub for people with learning difficulties & their friends. (Click here)
Jan 21, 2023Every Voice Mattersit is now mandatory for every person to provide a photo ID to be able to vote (Click here)
Nov 2, 2022Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) *Updated*PEEP is an acronym for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. (Click here)
Oct 17, 2022Become a Trustee of HADPlease contact for more information. (Click here)
Feb 23, 2022The Social Model of DisabilityThe aim of this article is to provide the reader with an introduction to the Social Model of Disability. (Click here)