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The Flock

Autism Mentoring & Outreach Service (AMOS)

Introduction to AMOS

Mission Statement


To promote the full inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Condition in all aspects of society by enabling them to achieve positive change in their lives through tailored personalised one to one mentoring.




We will work to promote a society where the diversity of Autism Spectrum Condition is valued and respected.


What we do


We aim to support adults with Autism with setting and working towards their goals – this may involve helping to prioritise and manage time;


• Supporting through change and transition.

• Supporting with problem solving challenges within social and personal interactions.

• Helping someone to develop self-confidence.

• Assisting when getting to know new environments or procedures; • Offering advice and guidance based on the mentors own experiences;

• Helping to explore options for future developments and give constructive feedback.

How will we do this? 


We aim to do this by offering 1:1 personalised weekly mentoring sessions over a period of time and the content of the discussions will be led by the goals for the mentoring.


• The sessions will take place face-face at a neutral venue, over the telephone, or virtually (online) – that is to be agreed with the mentor.

• The content of the meetings will be confidential except if the mentor thinks there is a risk to the person with Autism, or to another person – if this happens they will discuss what it is they can’t keep confidential and who they need to speak to about it.

• A brief record will be kept of the mentoring sessions and the agreed goals to be worked towards will be recorded.


Evaluation and Monitoring


The volunteer mentors will receive regular support and supervision from the project manager. The project will be evaluated for effectiveness by a variety of means based primarily on feedback from those who have received the mentoring. This will help us adapt and improve the mentoring service for future users.


How to Register for mentoring


This will be through a variety of channels including health and social care agencies, educational programmes, voluntary sector agencies, and also by self-referrals.


If you would more information about how to get a mentor or if you would like to send us a message, please complete the form below, write us an email to or call 07903360070;

Please fill out the contact form below for more information.

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