In recent years the number of Taxi Card journeys given to Disabled Harrow residents has gone from:
204, 102, 52, to now, 40.
The mayor of London has protected the TAXICARD which allows disabled people access to an equal lifestyle and travel without worry, however HARROW are one of the worst boroughs for offering journeys to people who desperately need them. The MAXIMUM amount of journeys given, are currently 40, which is less than a return journey every two weeks! As an example, Barnet and Hillingdon offer 140 journeys to disabled people, per annum, compared to Harrow’s 40.
Also, Harrow is one of the only boroughs which limit the distance of your journey by not allowing passengers to double swipe their card, increasing the cost on the user. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT TO CHANGE THIS.
HAD (Harrow Association of Disabled people) are campaigning to get the number of journeys given, CHANGED AND INCREASED! Join our campaigning group to get involved with this.
Please call, 0208 861 9920, or email, for more info.